30 Day Wellness Challenge

September is Suicide Prevention Month- while we focus on suicide prevention everyday, we wanted to do something special this month for our community members, volunteers, and supporters to help support their wellness. So, we bring you the 30 Day Wellness Challenge! Follow along on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as we post daily wellness ideas, tips, and resources! 

How to Join the Challenge

Join the 30 Days of Wellness Challenge

Donate and Follow Along Here or create your own fundraiser.

After your fundraiser is created, you can invite your friends to donate, or share the challenge to encourage others to participate.

Share your progress and activity

You can post videos and updates on the progress of your activity to your fundraiser page. You can also share them in the challenge group. You can find the group on Objective Zero’s Volunteer Page.

Why Wellness Matters

There are eight different aspects to wellness: physical, social, financial, environmental, intellectual, occupational, emotional, and spiritual. Maintaining balance of each of these elements contributes to total wellness. SAMSHA is a great resource on each of these wellness topics and how you can work to build the habits and routines to achieve that balance. Think about the area(s) that you want to focus on and take that first step.

Objective Zero focuses on an upstream approach to suicide prevention, working to connect service members, veterans, their families and caregivers to peer support and wellness resource in an effort to combat suicide. If we can identify and address the small issues and stressors we can prevent them from becoming big problems and crises. It’s typically not often just one single stressor or factor that leads someone to crisis or suicide, so building the skills and habits that keep us well can be a protective factor.

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

-Martin Luther King Jr.

“Life demands, stress, crisis, or trauma can impact or alter our routines and habits. This can lead to emotional (anxiety, depression), social (cranky, isolated, angry), or physical (tired, agitated) imbalances.

Establishing new, better habits that support our wellness goals and values can be challenging, but worth it. Developing healthier routines and habits in our lives can lead to positive feelings (emotional), relationship satisfaction (social), increased energy (physical), inspiration (emotional), and a feeling that we are using our creative talents, skills, and abilities to engage in activities (occupational, intellectual, spiritual).” -SAMHSA

Let’s all take September to improve our wellness and encourage loved ones and friends to also find ways to improve their wellness! Let us know what wellness activities you find most helpful!

Betsey MercadoComment